teaching philosophy | voki


Voki is an example of a free Web 2.0 application to help foster student engagement. Flash is required to view the speaking avatar. The example below is used to provide a welcome message in a week 1 course tour for the Advanced Photoshop course.

"Welcome to CO252 Advanced Photoshop online course! Although this course does not start for another week, I thought it may be helpful for you to have the information now for required materials and to be able to explore the course. This course is divided into ten Projects, Discussion Forums, a student Midterm Video Presentation, and a Final Project to apply learned skills. To get started, follow these steps:

1.  Click the Projects link in the main navigation on the left or the Course Link below.
2.  Next, click the Week 1 folder.
3.  Complete all 7 items, in order, by the end of the first week on Sunday evening.

After completing the 7 items, I'll see your post in the Introductions discussion forum so that we can get to know each other! Meet you there soon!"