student evaluations
I walked into this class with no idea on how to develop websites, and now I am pursuing internships where website development is heavily based. She does a great job in teaching the essentials and making it entertaining,Students | GVSU | CIS238 | Winter 2016
The Professor was very willing to help...hearing the instructor's connections to the real world and her years of experience in this field... I found the class to be my favorite of the semester even with a higher workload setting... I thoroughly enjoyed this course. I learned many concepts that extended beyond what i thought I would have. The course covered a lot.Students | GVSU | CIS238 | Winter 2016
The in-class examples and real-world applications that the teacher used, along with lectures and in-class activities (contributed most to my learning) The class got me interested in designing for the web...the professor's enthusiasm kept me interested.Student | GVSU | CIS238 | Fall 2015
- Extremely clear on expectations. Utilized blackboard to the fullest extent. FAQs online, multiple ways to contact her, does blackboard instant messaging, and fast at answering emails. Classes are fun, enjoyable and relevant. In class activities were enjoyable and made me think. Current events were integrated into the course. Never belittled students and always encouraged people. Genuinely cares about teaching and doing it effectively. Created a professional mobile website for CIS150 students with additional (optional) information to learn more on our own. I wish she could teach all my classes.
Student | GVSU | CIS 150| Fall 2015
- I cannot say enough good things about Prof. Kautz. She was extremely helpful and always around to answer questions that I had. She made the class exciting. Dates / times things were due were clear and immediately graded anything that was turned in. Use of Bb is very effective and I think she is a great professor...there was a TON of hands on activities during class which were very applicable to everyday life.
Student | GVSU | CIS 150| Fall 2015
...I really appreciate all the work and care you put into teaching. I was especially thankful for the organization, and the depth of content of the course work, and for all the work you put into providing ways to convey the lessons (videos, PDFs, extra resources). And also, I was thankful for how quickly you respond to emails! That is such a lifeline for any course, but especially online are such a dedicated, great teacher.Student | GRCC | CO252 | Winter 2014
She makes sure every student understands and can follow the instructions. She knows what she is doing. She explains things clearly without being confusing.Student | MCC | BUS180C | Fall 2013
By far the most tech-savvy and organized professor at GRCC. Despite not having met her face to face, her prompt responses to emails and video tutorials still makes her one of the most attentive and instructive teachers at the college. She understands the material well, and is capable of articulating her knowledge to students. The amount of work and effort shows, making it obvious that she dedicated to providing the best possible course.Student | GRCC | CO 252 | Winter 2013
Very knowledgable on the topic, adds real-world skills that I can apply to work projects. Also includes time saving shortcuts that were learned from actually working in the field.Student | GRCC | CO 252 | Fall 2012
Always, and I mean always, right on top of things / changes. Her turn around time is awesome. CO152 Photoshop: She provided tips, was on messenger to help at any time, very thorough on the material, had PDF files as well as book help, and was very into what she was doing! AWESOME INSTRUCTOR!Student quote from 2011 nomination for Gold Star Award | GRCC | CO 152 | Fall 2011
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